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What's your favourite tipple this festive season? There are so many choices for us to choose from, but what are the effects of these drinks are there any health benefits to drinking alcohol. Other than the usual ‘slightly merry’ effect we are all too aware of, we have delved into the health benefits of our favourite beverage here at Vinomagna to see if the beneficial factors outweigh the headache hangover when you’ve had one glass too many, I’m sure you guessed it… top of our list, it’s a glass of Vino.
There have been hundreds of studies that have been published over the years that claim ‘wine is good for you’ but how beneficial really is it, if at all? Red wine is full of antioxidants as most of us will have heard, but what does this really mean and should we reach for a glass of Red or White and why? Alcohol should always be consumed in moderation, we have to throw that disclaimer out there, however, it turns out that wine in particular Red wine, may be better for us than we thought.
So, at the end of our research, we conclude Red Wine has many health benefits that we where unaware of and bearing in mind the darker the shade of wine the higher the antioxidant level we will most certainly be pouring ourselves a glass of pinot noir this evening. As the festive season is well upon us and
wine production has plummeted to it’s lowest levels since 1961, make sure your
basement custom wine cellar is stocked up full of Pinot noir to make sure you have a ‘very Merry Christmas’.
The post Is Red Wine Good For You? appeared first on Vinomagna.