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Should You Be Raiding Your Wine Room Tonight?

Vinomagna • September 28, 2018

Wine or Water? Should You Lock Up Your Wine Room?

Are you getting enough to drink? Studies show you should be drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day which on average equates to around 2 litres of water. But how much wine can you or should you be drinking? To many, their wine room is a safe haven. A shrine to the wine gods. A wine room may even be visited more than their fridge to take out a bottle of water. However, is it a good to drink wine every day?

The effects of wine have long been discussed, disputed and researched. Our relationship with wine dates back thousands of years. Wine rooms and caves have been found in China, France, Egypt and all across the world where natural climate environments where used to preserve bottles.

While consuming anything in excess is bad for you, wine has been hailed as a “healthy alcohol” thanks to research surrounding its antioxidant properties. (All readers now slowly head closer to the wine room mid-sentence…). Additionally, some dieticians and doctors actually recommend the consumption of wine (all readers now opening the wine room door).

So What Are The Health Benefits of Wine?

British studies claim an 11% reduction in the risk of infections that lead to ulcers and stomach cancers. Canadian studies suggest a 50% lower risk in women having ovarian cancer whilst also increasing oestrogen level thanks to a glass a day. Further studies even show a significant correlation between reducing the risk of stroke and heart disease.

So what else can your wine room help with?

  • boosts immune system
  • an increase in bone density
  • lowers cholesterol
  • reduces blood pressure
  • less risk of diabetes
  • boosts the immune system
  • reduces the risk of having a stroke
  • acts as a natural blood thinner
  • reduces the risk of cancer

Seems like wine isn’t just good for the mind and soul… so top up your glass tonight and enjoy whilst knowing you could be getting healthier.

Time to start designing your custom wine cellar display as an investment for your home and health. 

We are open to ideas on how we can work with you. Click here to contact us today!


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